Word Slot Used In A Sentence

Word Slot Used In A Sentence 3,9/5 4689 votes

Synonym: commercial message. Similar words: summer, comment, commence, comment on, recommend, merchant, from memory, at the mercy of. Meaning: kə'mɜːʃl n. A commercially sponsored ad on radio or television. Connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises 2. Of or relating to commercialism 3. Of the kind or quality used in commerce.

The advice proffered here is meant primarily for standard academic prose. Business and technical writing sometimes goes by a different set of standards, and writers of those kinds of text should consult a manual dedicated to those standards. (The APA Publication Manual has an extensive section devoted to the use of numbers in technical papers. The Chicago Manual of Style [chapter 13] addresses just about every issue that might come up in a technical or mathematical text.)

  • Write out numbers that require no more than two words, remembering that a hyphenated number between twenty-one and ninety-nine counts as one word. Some writing manuals will suggest that whole numbers from zero through nine should be written as words, and numbers from ten on up should be written as numerals, especially when the word modifies a noun as in five students or two professors.
    • Use numerals, however, when the number modifies a unit of measure, time, proportion, etc.: 2 inches, 5-minute delay, 65 mph, 23 years old, page 23, 2 percent.
    • Use numerals for decimals and fractions: 0.75, 3.45, 1/4 oz, 7/8 in. (Notice that abbreviations are always written in the singular form whether they would be expressed as plurals or not: 14 oz, 12 in. The period can be omitted from such abbreviated measurements unless confusion would result [after in., for example]).
    • Use numerals for any number greater than nine: 237 lb, 32 players. (But this may be determined by context and how exact the numbers are. In business and technical writing, yes, all such numbers would be written as numerals; in other kinds of text, you might see something like six million victims, four thousand volunteers.
    • Approximate figures — fractional or otherwise — may be written out as words: one half the students, a quarter cup of sugar, a third of the time, four times as often.
    • Place a hyphen after a unit of measure when the unit modifies a noun: 10-foot pole, 6-inch rule, 3-year-old horse. (The unit of measure in such expressions is, for some reason, always singular.)
    • When many numbers are involved, use all numerals unless all the numbers are whole numbers less than nine.
    • When fractional or decimal expression are 1 or less, the word they modify should be singular: 0.7 meter, 0.22 cubic foot, 0.78 kilometer. Precede decimal fractions with a value less than one with a leading zero before the decimal point.
    • Percentage expressions should be written out as words: Last semester, 78 percent of the first-year students passed English Composition. (as opposed to 78%)
    • Avoid using ordinals when writing dates: February 14, not 14th.
  • There are twenty-six students in my wife's third-grade class.
  • Juan is over 183 centimeters tall.
  • Hartford has over ninety-three thousand citizens.
    (Some people would argue that all such statistical information should be expressed in numerals; when rounded off, however, spelled-out words are appropriate.)
  • Hartford has 97,500 citizens.
Consistency is important here!
  • Juan is about 183 centimeters tall, which means that he is just over 6 feet tall.
  1. Prepositions are words that show relationships. A sentence would not make sense without the use of a preposition. There are different types of prepositions used in the English language that not only add detail but make a sentence complete. Prepositions are used to show location, time, direction, cause and possession.
  2. A sentence frame is a sentence with an empty slot that many different words can go in for many different situations. For example, if you learn the sentence frame I feel ADJECTIVE, you can make hundreds of different sentences.
To avoid confusion by running numbers together, combine words and numerals when one number follows another. Generally, write out the shorter number.
  • My wife teaches 26 third-grade students.
  • There were 10 four-foot boards on the trucks.
  • The lab has 24 seventeen-inch monitors.
  • We need six 50-watt bulbs for this apartment.
SlotAvoid beginning a sentence with a number that is not written out.Starters
  • Seventy-two inches equals approximately 1.83 meters.
    An exception: you can begin a sentence with a date:
  • 1997 was a very good year for owls.
Use figures instead of words for
  • Dates and years: December 18, 1997. Avoid using ordinals when writing dates: Her birthday is on April 4th.
  • Decimals, percentages, and fractions: 235.485, 55%, 14 1/4
  • Scores: The Bulls won the final game by a score of 114 to 106.
  • Addresses: 1032 Maple Avenue. Sometimes, though, an address is part of a building's name, and then you'll want to spell it out: One Corporate Plaza. Unless space is at a premium, write out numerical street names (of one hundred or less): 1032 Fifth Avenue. For proper envelope addressing form (U.S. Post Office recommendations), click HERE.
  • Political and military units (for numbers of one hundred or less): Seventh Precinct, Fourteenth Congressional District, Fifty-third Regiment, Third Batallion, 112d Artillery
  • Finances: Tickets cost $35.50 apiece. The city spent $1.1 million for snow removal last year. (Or use $1,100,000.) You can leave the comma out of figures in the thousands: They spent $7500 on that car before junking it. Also, leave the comma out of addresses and year-dates: In 1998, they moved to NE 12887 53rd Avenue.
  • Ranges: Between 18 and 25 bald eagles have been counted near the Connecticut River this spring.
  • Time: 9:15 a.m. If you use the word o'clock, however, for rounded off times, spell out the number in words: We left at seven o'clock. Use a.m. and p.m., not AM and PM.

Numbered, Vertical ('Display'), and Bulleted Lists

Listing Names in Alphabetical Order

Putting people's names in alphabetical order is done on a letter-by-letter basis, taking into consideration all the letters before the comma that separates the last from the first name. Omit titles (such as Lady, Sir, Sister), degrees (M.D., Ph.D.), etc., that precede or follow names. A suffix that is an essential part of the name — such as Jr., Sr., or a roman numeral — appears after the given name, preceded by a comma. (Ford, Henry J., III or Pepin, Theophilus, Jr.)

Beethoven, Ludwig van (The van or von in Dutch or German names, if not capitalized by family usage,appears after the first name; if capitalized, it appears before the last name and determines the alphabetical order.)
D'Annunzio, Gabriele
Deere-Brown, Juan (Ignore the hyphen.)
Deere-Brown, Juan-Poivre
Dante Alighieri (Some Italian names of the 15th century or before are alphabetized by first name)
D'Arcy, Pierre
de Gaulle, Charles (With French names, the de goes before the last name when the last name contains only one syllable. See de Maupassant, below.)
Descartes, René
Ford, Henry E., III
Garcia Lorca, Federico (Use full surnames for Spanish names.)
López y Quintana, María
MacDonald, George
Maupassant, Guy de
M'Cauley, Josephine
McCullers, Carson
Morris, Robert
Morris, William
Morrison, Toni
O'Keeffe, Georgia (Ignore the apostrophe.)
Pepin, R. E.
Pepin, Theophilus, Jr.
Pepino, D.
Rueda, Lope de (For Spanish names, de comes after the first name)
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
San Marco, Josefina
St. Denis, Ruth
Von Braun, Werner (See Beethoven, above.)
Synonym: commercial message. Similar words: summer, comment, commence, comment on, recommend, merchant, from memory, at the mercy of. Meaning: [kə'mɜːʃl]n. a commercially sponsored ad on radio or television. adj. 1. connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises 2. of or relating to commercialism 3. of the kind or quality used in commerce; average or inferior.
1. The plane did not fly the usual commercial route.
3. She is developing the commercial side of the organization.
4. The commercial telephone service was no longer operative.

Word Slot Used In A Sentence Starters

5. They levied religious taxes on Christian commercial transactions.
6. Existing commercial broadcasters claim the new stations are illegal.
7. Commercial television is a medium for advertising.
8. The pension funds are administered by commercial banks.
9. Commercial exploitation of resources threatens our survival.
10. A commercial agent manages the business affairs of company.
11. The commercial future of the company looks very promising.
12. Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising.
13. Her novels are well written and commercial as well.
Word Slot Used In A Sentence
14. Her father was a commercial traveller who sold kitchenware.
16. The sale was handled by Adams Commercial.
17. Our top priorities must be profit and commercial growth.
18. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. Despite his great commercial success he still yearns for critical approval.
20. Don't forget this is a commercial enterprise - we're here to make money.
21. It calls for the exclusion of all commercial lending institutions from the college loan program.
22. Although the mill is no longer in commercial use[Sentencedict.com], it is maintained as a working museum.
23. A commercial college teaches things that would be useful in business.
24. Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests.
25. They commenced large-scale commercial manufacture of the chairs in January.
26. The hope is that this area will develop into a vibrant commercial centre.

Word Slot Used In A Sentence Fragment

27. They cynically tried to trade off a reduction in the slaughter of dolphins against a resumption of commercial whaling.

Word Slot Used In A Sentence Phrase

28. Attention is drawn to a special voluntary course in Commercial French.
29. Docklands in its heyday was a major centre of industrial and commercial activity.
30. He is interested in buying the club as a commercial undertaking.
More similar words: summer, comment, commence, comment on, recommend, merchant, from memory, at the mercy of, recommendation, racial, social, special, crucial, official, socially, officially, judicial, specialty, especially, financial, specialize, specialist, artificial, commencement, social services, financial crisis, carcinomas, per cent, fierce, perceive.