Depression Gambling

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Depression Gambling

We find evidence of a positive association between gambling behaviour and depression. Gambling can increase during periods of stress or depression and during periods of substance use or abstinence. There may be periods of heavy gambling and severe problems, times of total. Anxiety and Depression. Stress, anxiety and depression are common both for people with gambling problems and for their families. This can make sleeping, thinking and solving problems more difficult. If you have some of the following symptoms for more than two weeks, making your day-to-day life difficult, you may have a major depression. Mood states, particularly anxiety and depression, have been found to be associated with aspects of gambling behavior and problem gambling. Using gambling to relieve negative emotional states such as depressed mood and anxiety may be a significant risk factor for problem development (Abbott, 2001; Blaszczynski & McConaghy, 1989).

Winning in life is often followed by excitement; losing on the hand is unfortunately followed by a disappointing feeling. Looking beyond the initial feelings of overwhelming sadness that accompanies a lose a bet when you are diagnosed with compulsive gambling, then the sadness you feel may be more profound than losing a game of poker at a casino. Depression goes beyond feelings of sadness. While it is easy for people to laugh it off initially, you can’t talk about depression without taking a look at another topic that’s just as important, and that is problem gambling.


Depression affects people of all races, genders, and it’s no respecter of age. It causes mental pain and disrupts people’s ability to carry out their daily activities down to the simplest of things, with adverse effects on relationships with family members, friends, significant other, and colleagues at work. These claims are also backed by WHO in 2017, where they talked about it.

Do you have a gambling problem? If yes, then you will be shocked to learn that the chances of you suffering from depression are high. In fact, stats show that at least 76% of compulsive gamblers are likely to struggle with depression. This health condition may be the reason why you ventured into gambling in the first place. Some use gambling as a form of distraction, a way to zone out from the never-ending drama posed by the world. We usually look for a way to fill up an empty void that’s present in our lives – this loneliness pushes us to look at gambling and another form of recreation to kill boredom. Signs of depression may include the following:

  • Having sad thoughts.
  • One becomes easily irritated and frustrated.
  • Insomnia or finding it hard to get out of bed.
  • Incessant loss of appetite.
  • Having low self – esteem.
  • Loss of interest in fun activities and isolating one’s self from family and friends.

Most people experience some of the signs stated above at different times in their lives, but when it happens on a consistent basis, then these could be signs of depression.

Depression Gambling Addiction

It is vital to consider both your gambling addiction and your depression signs when in search of treatment because they are intertwined, and the signs of one can intensify the symptoms of the other. As we’ve rightly pointed out earlier, when you feel depressed, you will be looking for ways to lift your mood.

Trouble starts when the losing streaks begin to wrack up, you will feel more depressed, and the vicious cycle continues as your reliance on gambling will go deeper, and the result won’t help your mental state. To better understand this, reminisce on the days you felt great for winning and how disappointed you felt after losing. Now you know why depression and gambling can not be easily separated.

There are organizations designed to help you manage the feelings and fight depression. That’s why we are here. You can speak to any of our staff. We’ve got counselors specially trained for these types of conditions. You can trust our program plus, we are confidential and can be contacted 24/7.

One thing you should know is that there are lots of people out there battling the same condition, and yours is just one. Recovering from such a state is hard by possible if you have the willpower to counter it.

A vital part of your road to recovery is identifying the reason why you started gambling. This will let you know how you’d fill that void with something healthier. For instance, if you began to gambling because of your broken relationship, your recovery plan will include seeing a relationship expert. Also, if you only did it because you were bord, your recovery plan would consist of filling up the void with positive activity.

The effective step

While increasing your activity or updating your mental ‘fun’ library will help with your mental disorder. It will surely boost your mood, giving you something fun and creative to talk about and share with loved ones. You would train yourself before dabbling into the listed sisters. These are lots of ways to go about it. Some of the things to do are:

How do you plan on changing the world when?

Start small by making little changes in your life. For instance, do a room makeover every time you wake up in the morning.


Signup for activities such as Gardening, gym, dancing, or dancing. You will be surprised to know that there are people craving for new excitement in their lives. Go to a GP, and they will help you conduct assessments and provide you with the appropriate referral.


There are lots of people out there struggling with these terrible conditions. However, you don’t want to be one of the victims. The mental health should not be an issue, but it becomes one when human life is at risk, and one is unable to compromise

Frequently Asked Question

How common are gambling and depression?

Depression Causing Gambling

According to a recent study, compulsive gamblers were twice as likely to be depressed and 18 times more likely to experience severe psychological conditions than people with no gambling issues. Also, the connection between gambling and mood is not often clear, and being depressed may be the outlined reason for gambling to begin with.

What do I do next?

If you’ve been diagnosed with both, then you should seek treatment as soon as possible. There are support groups forums. Speak to a counselor. They will talk to you about the strategies you can incorporate into your life

How do I deal with depression and gambling?

It is critical to look at your addictions and mood when treating the problem. This will ultimately help you determine the kind of strategies you’d want. Gambling won’t help you deal with your loneliness or help you settle your relationship issues.

We’d all like to be rich. Playing the lottery or making an occasional trip to Las Vegas or some nearby casino allows us to indulge in the dream of being wealthy someday. Bright lights lure us in and sporadic gaming payouts tempt us into believing we might just hit it big. But, while it’s generally fine for most people to wager on games of chance once in a while, for those at risk of a gambling addiction, giving into the temptation may trigger a slide into a gambling problem.

Why do People Gamble?

People don’t usually gamble for one single reason, although the underlying motivation for gambling is typically profit based. The thought of seeing coins flowing out of a slot machine like an endless silver waterfall or the Hollywood movie scene of a casino piling stacks of money in front of a winner can move almost anyone to take a chance on gambling.

Aside from profit, however, people often gamble for:

  • Excitement – think about the thrill of the flashing lights and bells that go off when someone wins on a slot machine
  • Pleasure and the euphoria of winning every so often
  • Escape from troubles
  • Social valuation – even if they lose a lot of money, a person may feel that the act of gambling shows they are successful enough to be able to afford to lose it (even if that isn’t really true)
  • Pride – if someone wins a few hands of poker, they feel smart and invincible
  • The chance you could change your life with very little effort
  • Social acceptance – this applies to many games, ranging from playing bingo at church to joining in football pools with friends on Game Day

Pathological Gambling Risk Factors

Around 1 to 3 percent of people in the United States are impacted by a gambling problem. As with other addictions, gambling disorders tend to run in families. Those who suffer from this impulse-control disorder also tend to have issues with anxiety and depression and/or problems with substance abuse or alcoholism. The disorder symptoms may come and go, but without treatment, the problem will return.

A gambling addiction usually starts between the ages of 20 and 40 in females and in early adolescence in males, however it can happen at any stage of life. While it can affect anyone, the risk of compulsive gambling increases in those who are highly competitive, are workaholics, have a friend or family member with a gambling compulsion, or in those who have bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder (ADHD).

Symptoms of a Gambling Addiction

In the same way as alcohol or drugs, gambling stimulates the brain’s reward center. Just like with any addiction, a person with a gambling disorder can’t resist gambling even if they don’t have the money to lose. They hide their need to gamble from family and friends and vehemently deny they have a problem. They feel compelled to keep playing in order to recover their losses. They also become tense and anxious when they can’t satisfy their urge to gamble and will feel relief when they finally get their “fix.”

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) defines a gambling disorder as involving “repeated problematic gambling behavior that causes significant problems or distress. It is also called gambling addiction or compulsive gambling.”

If family, friends, or coworkers have talked to you about your gambling, you may have a gambling problem. To help clarify if you may be a compulsive gambler, this list from the APA can help you decide:

A diagnosis of gambling disorder requires at least four of the following during the past year (Note: this questionnaire is not intended to replace professional diagnosis):

  1. Need to gamble with increasing amount of money to achieve the desired excitement
  2. Restless or irritable when trying to cut down or stop gambling
  3. Repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back on or stop gambling
  4. Frequent thoughts about gambling (such as reliving past gambling experiences, planning the next gambling venture, thinking of ways to get money to gamble)
  5. Often gambling when feeling distressed
  6. After losing money gambling, often returning to get even (referred to as “chasing” one’s losses)
  7. Lying to conceal gambling activity
  8. Jeopardizing or losing a significant relationship, job or educational/career opportunity because of gambling
  9. Relying on others to help with money problems caused by gambling

Add up your score:

  • 4 to 5: Shows a mild gambling problem
  • 6 to 7: Points to a moderate gambling problem
  • 8 to 9: Indicates a severe gambling problem

Self-Help for Gambling Addiction

The biggest step toward recovery is acknowledging that you have a gambling problem. While it is difficult to quit gambling, many people have done so and were able to rebuild their lives. The path is easier when you have support.

Some self-help tips are:

  • Find a support group, like Gamblers Anonymous or get support from a mental health professional
  • Seek treatment for any underlying mood disorders, such as anxiety or depression, which can trigger a gambling problem
  • Reach out to family and friends for help
  • Practice relaxation techniques, such as yoga or mindfulness
  • Distract yourself by starting an exercise program or taking up a sport.
  • Spend time with non-gambling friends or take up a hobby. Be certain not to isolate yourself
  • Visualize what will happen if you gamble. How will you feel if you disappoint everyone again or if you lose all your money again?
  • If you are the family member or friend of a gambler, don’t pay off their debts. You run the very real risk of enabling them to gamble again.
Depression gambling addict

Help for Gambling Addiction

Depression And Gambling

If you or a loved one need help to stop compulsive gambling, the mental health professionals at The Center for Treatment of Anxiety and Mood Disorders in Delray Beach, Florida can help. For more information, contact us or call us today at 561-496-1094.